Avalanche engineering

Urbanism in avalanche zone: detailed zoning and architectural prescriptions


Considering that land use plans are sometimes defined at a large or intermediate scale.


Engineerisk supports architecture and urban projects to:
- Specify the levels and conditions of application of the avalanche loads at the building scale.
- Detail the architectural prescriptions to be taken into account, in particular for openings (doors, windows…).
Assist architects and civil-engineering designers in optimizing ‘’avalanche-proof’’ projects within the associated administrative procedures.
If necessary, evaluate the additional snow-gliding loads for structures directly backed by steep slopes
- Evaluate the necessary additional protections and define the corresponding works (geometry, pressures, techniques of implementation) according to the state of the art.

Engineerisk may also intervene at the request of a municipality or an individual to argue a modification of the zoning proposed by the State services. These approaches consist in refining the analysis in particular thanks to the contribution of the modeling. Engineerisk also proposes new methods for, for example, taking into account the influence of existing buildings on neighboring areas downhill.

Case study

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